Saturday, June 20, 2009


We went camping near Mt. Evans yesterday. Katelyn had a great time. It was a lot of work chasing her around the campsite, but she had fun collecting pine cones and playing in the dirt. It was getting pretty cold and the heater wasn't working in our camper so we decided to head home around 7:30 before it got really cold and too dark to pack up if we were miserable.

Abby doesn't like riding in the car, and she doesn't look too thrilled to be sitting next to Katelyn.

We drove up to the top of Mt Evans and saw lots of animals on the way.

Abby was very excited to see snow

Too much excitement

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Who is this toddler?

I realized part of why I haven't been updating the blog as much lately. I have no pictures of Katelyn! I am so busy just chasing after her and trying to keep her out of trouble that I haven't even gotten the camera out in awhile. She is definitely keeping me very busy. She is able to reach stuff from off of the kitchen table and counter tops. I find sippy cups in the food cabinet and dolls in the drawers in the kitchen. I am getting exhausted just thinking about how busy she is.

In baby news, things have been going well this week. I have had a pretty tough couple of weeks dealing with the gestational diabetes issues. I had gestational diabetes with Katelyn, but wasn't diagnosed until I was about 8 months pregnant and with this baby they have been monitoring my blood sugars since my first appointment. To make a long story short, I am now doing one insulin shot a day. Hopefully it stays at just one for the rest of the pregnancy!

Here is the only recent picture I could find of Katelyn actually looking at the camera!