Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lots of snow!

She looks like she is having a blast right? It took me longer to get her dressed to go outside than we actually spent outside. Right after I took this picture, I picked her up to go say hi to the neighbors who were outside shoveling with their kids and Abby came running past and knocked their youngest kid into the gutter face we all went inside and left Garrett to shovel our driveway and the neighbors!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Katelyn does have a mom

We have no pictures of me with Katelyn since I am always the one behind the camera. Too bad Katelyn and Abby wouldn't look at Grandma yesterday so we could have a picture of all 3 of us looking the same way.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rough Day?

Just lay down in the laundry basket

It was 75 degrees out today. I am glad it is starting to get warmer. I love not having to bundle myself and Katelyn up for our daily walk! Today Katelyn played in the field with Abby. She is getting so big and her and Abby are best friends.

I guess they spend a lot of time together. Katelyn is panting like Abby.

She looks so innocent right?

and this is just sad. We live in Colorado, and look how much snow we have! I just had to put her in her snow suit and boots to go out in the snow in case it doesn't snow anymore this year.

Katelyn has turned into quite the drama queen. This picture shows it well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Is this normal?

I think Katelyn and Abby get a long a little too well. Here is what I captured them doing today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It was 70 degrees again today!

Oreos are the best!

and one Gloworm is not enough

I put a step stool in front of the window yesterday so Katelyn could watch the dogs play in the yard. She thinks it is hilarious.

I am still teaching her to help out around the house. She decided she would do the laundry.