Friday, December 18, 2009

Family Pictures

We had family pictures done about a month before Ethan was born. Last year our pictures went great. Katelyn was just starting to walk, and the dog was well behaved. This year, not so much. Katelyn was running all over the place. The dog jumped into the pond. By the end of the pictures Garrett and I were exhausted. Luckily we got a few good pictures, which is more than I thought we would get!

Ethan is here!

Ethan Matthew was born on November 27th at 4:15pm. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long.

Katelyn acts like he doesn't exist most days. She doesn't want to hold him, but hopefully one day she will want to and I can take a picture!

Getting adjusted to being a mom of two has been difficult. We are slowly getting into a new routine, so it has been getting easier. I don't have a lot of extra time these days, but I will try to update the blog more often.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Changes

We started getting things ready in the baby's room. Katelyn is quite the helper as you can see in the pictures. She loves playing in "baby brother's" room. I think she really understands that something is going on. She knows the baby is in mommy's belly, and she will lean over and give my belly a kiss. It is so sweet!

She is talking a lot and says the funniest things all the time. She started calling herself KK last week, which is so dang cute. She also started saying move mommy, or move Abby which isn't so cute...but really is when it is coming from an almost 2 year old. She is repeating everything that we say, so we really have to watch our language now!

We got her a toddler bed two weeks ago, and she has yet to sleep in it. She realized the first night that she could get out of the bed, so we gave her 3 chances and then put her back in the crib. Now her room has a crib and toddler bed setup in it, and we ask her for every nap/bedtime where she wants to sleep and the crib always wins.

We have also been working on potty training. Needless to say, it has been an interesting process. Some days she is really into it, and some days she wants nothing to do with it so we are kinda just going with the flow. Maybe by the time the baby comes we will only have 1 kid in diapers!

In pregnancy news, there isn't any real new news. At our last ultrasound (last week) everything looked great with the baby. He is quite the gymnast. During my ultrasound he was in a back bend position. It didn't look very comfortable, but kinda explained why I am so uncomfortable a lot. I have about 10 weeks left to go, so the count down has begun!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Way Behind

It has been so long since I last updated, Katelyn is grown up enough now to wear high heels.
Katelyn is talking so much now. She is saying two and three word sentences like hi mommy and hi daddy. She started saying yeah sure today which I think is pretty cute. She is definitely turning into a toddler right before our eyes. She is very independent and starting to throw temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way.
Katelyn's Uncle Kevin and Aunt Emily got her this power wheels for her half birthday. She hasn't quite figured out how to steer it yet, but she knows how to push the button to make it go so she is one crazy driver. Good thing she will wear her helmet!

Things with "baby brother" (that is what he is called at our house) are going great. I am 25 weeks pregnant today, so I have about 3 months left. I realized today that I didn't have any recent pictures of me pregnant with him, so I had Garrett take one this afternoon.
Katelyn is starting to notice that my belly is getting bigger. Last week she pointed to my belly and said basketball. It was so cute, and I actually caught it on video. She doesn't really comprehend that there is a baby in my belly but I am sure when baby brother comes she will be a great big sister!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


We went out on the boat today for the first time. Katelyn and Abby had a blast.

Katelyn drove the boat and figured out where the horn was. Garrett let her drive again as we were heading toward the dock and I wonder what everyone was thinking as we pulled in blaring the horn every two seconds. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


We went camping near Mt. Evans yesterday. Katelyn had a great time. It was a lot of work chasing her around the campsite, but she had fun collecting pine cones and playing in the dirt. It was getting pretty cold and the heater wasn't working in our camper so we decided to head home around 7:30 before it got really cold and too dark to pack up if we were miserable.

Abby doesn't like riding in the car, and she doesn't look too thrilled to be sitting next to Katelyn.

We drove up to the top of Mt Evans and saw lots of animals on the way.

Abby was very excited to see snow

Too much excitement

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Who is this toddler?

I realized part of why I haven't been updating the blog as much lately. I have no pictures of Katelyn! I am so busy just chasing after her and trying to keep her out of trouble that I haven't even gotten the camera out in awhile. She is definitely keeping me very busy. She is able to reach stuff from off of the kitchen table and counter tops. I find sippy cups in the food cabinet and dolls in the drawers in the kitchen. I am getting exhausted just thinking about how busy she is.

In baby news, things have been going well this week. I have had a pretty tough couple of weeks dealing with the gestational diabetes issues. I had gestational diabetes with Katelyn, but wasn't diagnosed until I was about 8 months pregnant and with this baby they have been monitoring my blood sugars since my first appointment. To make a long story short, I am now doing one insulin shot a day. Hopefully it stays at just one for the rest of the pregnancy!

Here is the only recent picture I could find of Katelyn actually looking at the camera!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Finally an update

We had our first trimester screen today and everything looks great with the new baby. The baby slept through the entire thing. I remember when we had Katelyn's, she was like a jumping bean!

Here are a few pictures of Katelyn from this weekend. She found my hair brush and decided to brush her own hair. She also had her first pig-tails this weekend. Her hair is to the point that we have to do something with it. You can see from the pictures that it is out of control!
Katelyn likes to be wrapped up in a blanket. It is one of the rare moments when she will sit still for more than two seconds.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Big News!

For those of you that haven't heard, Katelyn is going to be a big sister! We had our first appointment today, and everything looks great. I finally feel comfortable sharing with the world, even though most of the world already knows thanks to my mom and Garrett's mom :)

Our due date is December 11th, so Katelyn and the new baby will be almost exactly two years apart. December is going to be quite crazy around our house.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


We went to the zoo today. Katelyn had a blast. She loved looking at all of the animals.


I am officially over winter. When is summer coming?

We got about 2 feet of snow over the weekend. It is gone now because it has been 70 since then, but still I am done with snow!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to dye Easter eggs

Before we decided to take some video, Katelyn reached into the blue cup to grab the egg. I wonder when the dye is going to fade from her hand!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!

and thank you to Great Grandma Lord for the cute duck!